Amiga MA Magazine 1998 #3
000130_amos-request@svcs1.digex.net_Tue Nov 11 18:26:12 1997.msg
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From: Andy Gibson <andy@agasinc.demon.co.uk>
To: Garfield Benjamin <gbenjam@sosbbs.com>
CC: Amos List <amos-list@access.digex.net>
Date: Tue, 11 Nov 1997 20:47:45 -0000
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X-Mailer: YAM 1.3.4 [020] - Amiga Mailer by Marcel Beck
Organization: AGAS Productions
Subject: Re: SideShooterIsBackOnTrack
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On 10-Nov-97, Garfield Benjamin scribbled:
>>> The great thing about using DiskSalvage is that it generally restores
>>> your drives almost to the level they performed at when you first
>>> purchased them, so Giark, all appears to be well....
>> Aha! But it can also totally corrupt files too :(
>> Trust me....
>Okay, I do trust you. However, in my case I am very happy to report
>that DiskSalvage repaired and validated my drive without trashing any
>of the files in the process. Took a little over two hours for a 420MB
>drive, so I guess that illustrates what kind of shape it was in....:)
Phew! As long as it worked I guess everything went fine? But do not
just take it for granted that Disksalv or even QBack Tools won't trash
your HD.
>The Asteroid Field is well underway.... those rocks (a gift from
>Andy Hawkins of GoD fame) look quite nice too, considering they
>have been remapped to just four colors....
Now this sounds like a stage of the game I'd love to play. I don't
know much about the sideshooter level, but I bet it's running at a
good pace and is worth waiting for :)
When the game is available from MUSH, I will be one of those who is on
the order list, even if it's just to play this level.
The Asteroid Field is enough to make me wanna rush out and buy it
today. See, I love the section on Deluxe Galaga and I hope you section
is similar?
Anyway, I'm away for a blat of Galaga now....
PS, has anyone ever written a good clone of Scramble???
cya, Andy Gibson
___________________________________ ________________________________
| _ _ | |
| (-)/\//_)\/ AGAS Productions | #cONTACT mE fOR mORE iNFO# |
| Gibson_/ 9T7 | #oN aREA51 rELEASES aLSO!# |
| | |
| andy@agasinc.demon.co.uk | cOMING sOON'ish |
| | *Roswell Gfx Adv* |
| -=<(aka SKiDZ/A51)>=- | 9T8 |